Arrival & Departure
Box Office Hours: Thursday 10am to 10pm Friday 10am to 10pm Saturday 10am to 10pm Sunday Leave grounds by 6pm Can I park on site? Yes, parking will be available, but please ensure you have purchased a car park ticket in advance (£5 per car purchase with Tickets). Feel free to post on the Facebook event for Harambee Pasadia Festival to help find others who are looking to car share. Car sharing done through the Facebook page is done at your own risk. Who should I talk to if I have a question/issue during the festival? Staff and stewards will be wearing clearly marked clothing. Our team is warm and welcoming, so please do not hesitate to reach out to them should you have any inquiries! A ‘Lost & Found’ and Help Point will be found onsite in the main building. General Tips
We are very grateful for the respect shown for the venue and other festival goers and we look forward to yet more fantastic times together. |
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